BALTIMORE, MD - August 13, 2024 - Baltimore for Democracy, a newly formed grassroots coalition, has been recognized by the State Board of Elections as a ballot issue committee opposing a November ballot measure that proposes reducing the size of the City Council from 14 to 8. The group, which has been meeting since June and includes elected officials, community leaders, and activists across Baltimore City, argues that the measure would harm Baltimore City residents and undermine the city’s democratic process if passed.

"At a time when we need more representation and community engagement, not less, this measure is a step in the wrong direction," said Andy Ellis, the group’s Chair. "This effort is funded almost entirely by wealthy business players outside of Baltimore City who do not have residents’ best interests in mind. We reject the idea that having hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw at getting a charter amendment on the ballot should mean it becomes law. We think once Baltimore voters learn about what this charter amendment does, they will reject it.”

The coalition highlights key concerns that reducing the council size would deny Baltimoreans accessible, responsive representation that reflects the diverse communities of Baltimore’s 250+ neighborhoods, and discourage community participation, advocacy, and engagement. The group argues that fewer representatives and larger district sizes would reduce elected capacity to respond to constituent needs and concerns, and result in fewer elected officials to hold accountable. Removing council seats also leaves fewer opportunities for Baltimoreans themselves to pursue elected office and advocate for their own communities.

“We look forward to working alongside other organizations opposing this ballot measure, and we remain united in our commitment to ensuring that every Baltimorean has a well-represented voice in our government,” Ellis said.

Baltimore for Democracy urges all Baltimore residents to vote against the measure in the upcoming November election. Until then, the group will be engaging in grassroots community outreach and activation through community meetings, canvassing, events, and everything in between.

Media Contact:

Andy Ellis

Chair, Baltimore for Democracy

(240) 285-0843


Baltimore Sun: New group organizes to oppose size reduction of Baltimore City Council